Trick to Streamline Charts in Qualtrics
I recently had a problem with customizing charts in Qualtrics' reports feature. The charts were based on a question which had several categories for the respondents to rank. To simplify the report, I wanted to create several charts which show one category each, but the options to turn off some of the categories were outside of the viewable area. Luckily, there is an easy, and not so obvious, way to view those hidden options. [Continue reading]
Lessons Learned: Creating a Wait List in Qualtrics for an Event Registration Form
I needed a wait list for a registration form built through Qualtrics. Since the service is geared towards collecting surveys online, a wait-list feature is not built in. However, you can simulate the functionality by tweaking the form and leveraging the Quotas feature. [Continue reading]
Lessons Learned: Collecting Registrations and Setting Up Qualtrics to Notify You When It Reaches a Milestone
I wanted to be notified when various milestones were reached during an event-registration process. That way I could keep the event organizers aware of the progress and help them make informed decisions as the event got closer. The numbers would help them decide how much food to order, how much space to reserve, and whether to even have the event. To track the registrations, I used Qualtrics' Quota feature and its ability to send confirmations. [Continue reading]
Lessons Learned: Working with Event Registrations in Qualtrics
Qualtrics works well for collecting event registrations. But there are a number of things to be aware of. I imagine that the "issues" stem from the service being geared towards administering surveys online. However, the benefits of using Qualtrics outweigh the shortcomings. [Continue reading]
Lessons Learned: Live2Lead Website and Using Qualtrics for Collecting Event Registrations
For the new websites I create, my goal has been to make them responsive. That way I get some practice before committing to an overhaul of a major website. The extra practice should make the redesign process go smoother since hopefully I'll have the experience to solve whatever problems I come across. With the latest website, I was given the opportunity to further enhance my skills. Plus, I found a new, and somewhat unusual, solution for collecting event registrations. [Continue reading]
Position Text Boxes in Photoshop Using X, Y Coordinates
When positioning text boxes in Photoshop, I typically use an existing composition, where the text box is already in the desired location, as a template. If a graphic slips through the cracks with a misaligned text box, I end up moving it pixel by pixel until it looks correct. But there is an easier way which lets you move a text box to an exact location using X, Y coordinates. [Continue reading]
A Faster Way to Block Senders in Outlook
To combat spam, I'm using the Block Sender feature in Outlook. Flagging messages to block is a fairly simple process, but an increasing amount of spam has been making its way into my inbox. The number of steps involved to flag all the messages adds up quickly. So I decided to look to my typical time saver when it comes to Microsoft products, the Quick Access Toolbar. [Continue reading]
Manage Tasks in Outlook: Flag Emails as Tasks Before They Get Lost in the Sent Mail Folder
Part of managing my task list involves monitoring the email requests I send to co-workers. Since I can't remember the details of every request, I flag the messages in Microsoft Outlook so they appear in my task list. The problem is that I don't always remember to go to my Sent Mail folder and flag the requests. And some of them end up being lost. So I am getting into the habit of flagging emails as they are being written. [Continue reading]
Lessons Learned: Follow Hashtags and Hootsuite
Previously, I mentioned that you can utilize Hootsuite to monitor hashtags in social networks like Twitter and LinkedIn. Just be aware that the service may not track hashtags as you expect. Let's take a closer look at using Hootsuite and tracking hashtags. [Continue reading]
Lessons Learned: Responsive Design and the SU4T Website
I was asked to develop a website for a one-day event. The project proved to be an excellent opportunity to sharpen my responsive design skills. Now, I have completed projects here and there where website content was adjusted on the fly to fit different browser window sizes, but I haven't spent much time making an entire website responsive. [Continue reading]