Entries from 2019

Lessons Learned: Automated Script for Populating Meeting Handouts Database

A few years back, I developed a script for processing sets of PDFs to populate a database. That database is then used to dynamically generate the corresponding meeting handouts page for visitors to download the PDFs. The project was planned out so that pretty much everything needed for the meeting handouts page could be found in the set of PDFs. The only other extra thing I needed to do, besides making occasional minor corrections to the database, was store these handouts in a folder that was named with the meeting date, which I was already doing. Then I just needed to upload the files to the server and run the script. [Continue reading]

Manage Task List in Microsoft Word: Embedding Emails from Outlook

For the last few years, I have been using Microsoft Outlook for managing tasks. The main problem that I have been experiencing is with flagging emails as tasks. For some reason, the newly created task isn't always staying in my task list. It usually appears at first, but I need to wait for around 30 to 40 seconds to make sure the task doesn't disappear. I am not sure what causes the issue, but quite a few of my tasks disappear on me. When it happens, I need to reflag the email as a task. Since I am having trouble figuring out why the flag disappears, I spent the last year or so experimenting with Microsoft Word to manage tasks. [Continue reading]

Trick Google Chrome Browser Window to Be Narrower Than 500 Pixels for Testing Responsive Designs

An issue I'm running into is that Google Chrome prevents its browser window from being narrower than 500 pixels. So I was using browsers, like Internet Explorer, to see how website designs adjust for small-screen devices. The problem is that I'm most familiar with the development tools available through Chrome. And there are times where it's easier to tweak the HTML and CSS code directly in Chrome versus going back to my normal code editor, editing the code, uploading the modified script, and then testing the changes. It turns out that there are a couple of options for addressing the issue. [Continue reading]

Save Single Email Message to Multiple Outlook Folders

I use a series of folders to keep my email archive organized. The folders are designed to match the navigational structure of the websites I manage so that emails are easier to locate when needed. The problem is that some emails don't fit neatly within these folders. I'll receive an email, for example, that contains a newsletter to post online and asks to make changes to the about section for the website. Should that email be archived with the messages related to the newsletters section or should it be saved with the about section emails. It finally dawned on me that I don't need to make that sometimes tough decision. [Continue reading]