Entries tagged "Error 404"

Check Your Error 404 Database for Broken Links with cURL

Some websites that I maintain have a database for tracking which pages have moved. The problem is that some of the links that indicate where a page has moved to break. So I end up with a 404 error saying a page has moved. When the visitor goes to the new page, they are greeted with another 404 error saying the page has moved. So let's look into writing a script to look through the database for broken links. [Continue reading]

Help Visitors Find Moved Pages with a Simple Error 404 Database

Does your Error 404 page let visitors know where a page has moved to? Or does it have a generic message saying the page has moved and requires the visitor to find the page on their own? With a relatively simple database table and a few lines of code, we can enhance the error page and help customers find what they want faster. [Continue reading]

Disable Directory Indexes and Handle 403 Errors with .htaccess

The websites I develop for normally display the contents of a folder when an index file, like index.php, isn't present. This setup may work for some websites, but not the ones I work on. Instead of adding unnecessary index pages to prevent this type of activity, let's look at how the .htaccess file can help. [Continue reading]

Create Error 404 Page with .htaccess

How does your website handle missing pages? If a page ever gets renamed, moved to a different folder, or removed altogether; what do visitors of the old website address see? If they're greeted with a generic system message, there is a better way. Let's take a quick look at using .htaccess files and creating an Error 404 page to display a more user-friendly message. [Continue reading]

What’s on Your Error 404 Page?

I'm still learning the ins and outs of WordPress, which is the web-based software used to develop this website. As I was digging around, I stumbled across the Error 404 page. If you are a website developer you're probably familiar with the Error 404 page. For those unfamiliar, this page is displayed when someone attempts to visit a page on a website that does not exist because it was renamed, moved, deleted, etc. [Continue reading]